25 October, 2010

Mexico Bites Back

I spend so much time talking about what I eat in Mexico that I figure it's about time to talk about what eats me. Sure, I've got the Mexpandible Waistline going on, but it's not the only one. There are some little critters that are getting their feast on over here. I know I've mentioned mosquitos in previous blogs, but mosquito season is apparently over. However, they have some competent partners that they have just tagged into the ring. I don't know what they are, but by the time they are done with me, I may not have legs to leave Mexico. Sorry Mom and Dad, I'm stayin' here.
It all started in Cuetzalan during that plant hike. Those bites ended up last two weeks, and continued getting worse and pussing and making all sorts of substances I did not want on my legs. The orphanage apparently also had their own little colony of predators. While I'm not sure what they are, I think there are a myriad of species getting their fill on my apparently sweet blood. Some are small bloody dots while others give the impression of spider-bites with spread out and tender red surroundings. The picture of my leg actually shows you the best it has been for quite some time. I wish I could show them to you at the height of the infestation. They were red, and festering, and all things gross and itchy you can think of. But Ladies and Gents, I'm on the heal! And No, the shine is not from a recent Barbie wax, but rather from the Neosporin/Benadryl bath I just took. But, to continue to remain on the positive side, I've had my fill of one of life's small pleasures: Scratching the heck out of an itch.


  1. Oh my gosh sis! That looks gnarly! I do appreciate a good itch as well as anyone though, good point :)

  2. HOt water, that feels even better then a good itch.....Preventative care may also feel good...maybe some of that sauce we purchased for mosquito repellent...sorry to be so practical. Love me
